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San Fernando Valley, Lancaster, Palmdale and Santa Clarita Attorney Helps Injured Workers Determine Whether to Make a Claim for Workers’ Compensation Benefits

Skilled attorney files claims for workers’ compensation benefits for people injured in the workplace

The Law Office of Scott A. Schwartz evaluates workers’ compensation claims and files an application for benefits when you sustain on-the-job injuries. We advocate for injured workers and give each case serious consideration and analysis. Our representation is caring yet strong as we advocate effectively for your benefits. We understand your needs and put our experience to work to help you reach your goals.

Do I qualify to make a claim for benefits?

When you suffer a work-related injury, you may qualify for workers’ compensation benefits. Only certain types of workers, such as independent contractors, are not covered by workers’ comp insurance. However, misclassified independent contractors may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. Contact the Law Office of Scott A. Schwartz if you believe you are a misclassified independent contractor or are not sure what this means. If you were hurt in a single accident, suffer from a longstanding condition, have developed a stress-related condition as a result of your job, or have incurred any other injury while working, you may qualify for benefits. If you think your injury is the result of something that happened at work, it is important to bring in a skilled attorney to evaluate your case.

What if my benefits end or are denied?

Making a claim for benefits in workers’ compensation is complex. If you are denied benefits as a result of a disagreement or dispute over a medical care provider’s diagnosis, you may need to request an independent medical review. An independent medical review provides you with an allegedly unbiased physician’s opinion. It is important to make this request if benefits are denied, so a re-evaluation of your condition and needs is made. There is also an appeals process we navigate you through if the independent medical review is not decided in your favor. You need a skilled attorney to make this request to exhaust all legal remedies in an attempt to receive the benefits you deserve. After you have been awarded benefits, it is just as important to have an attorney who knows what to do when your benefits end.

Call for an appointment with a skilled workers’ compensation attorney today

If you have been hurt on the job, the Law Office of Scott A. Schwartz is ready to help you determine whether you have a workers’ compensation claim. We prepare, compile and submit your claim to allow you to focus on your recovery. Serving the San Fernando Valley, Lancaster, Palmdale and Santa Clarita, we meet with you during the week or on weekends. Call today at 818.350.2658 or contact us through our website.
